Friday, January 29, 2010

Jersey Shore - Final Verdict

We just finished watching the reunion on DVR this morning, Adam says, "Well, that's six hours of our lives we'll never get back." Ain't that the truth. I guess the Zakuns won't be watching the gang at the shore next season.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Adam's Outrage

While watching the final episode of Jersey Shore, it finally dawns on Adam that Snooki, PaulyD, the "Situation", Ronnie, Vinnie, Sammie and JWoww may not be the most productive members of society. The following is Adam's reconstructed rant, all this after watching the ENTIRE season:

"What? The "Situation" is 27? What does he do for work? How old are these guys? Let's look it up on your DROID...don't they have jobs? How can they hang out for a summer at the Jersey Shore? Don't they have jobs? I don't understand what's going on with these guys?"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Looking Older

Adam: I think my beard makes me look older
Ann: ...maybe I should grow one

I'm so excited about my new grid it organizer, I have to tell everyone. (Please don't tell Zryce, his bday is coming up.) I got the small one from Amazon yesterday and it's pretty cool. I've securely strapped in my purple hi-tec-c pen, free sample hand sanitizer from Bath and Body, Fresh Rose Sugar lip balm, Levenger ear bud holder, Stash peppermint tea bags and CO Bigalow chapped hand lotion. No more stuff spilling out of my purse and I also highly recommend all these products. The elastic is super secure, even held my droid and survived the vigorous shake test.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Am I living in a crazy world...maybe I'm the crazy one

The unintended indignity continues, turns out one of the guys at work thinks I'm 22/23. I don't work with him directly, but I do chit chat with him.

Guy: Are you right out of college?
plasticann: No, umm, I'm ten years out of college
Guy: Really! You're older than me.
plasticann: [pause] How old did you think I was?
Guy: 22/23! You seem mature and now that I think about, it makes sense.

Verdict, I seem more mature than a 22/23 year old. Woopee! One day I'll be glad to be younger looking, but I think I'm going to morph into some sort of awkward baby faced gray haired old lady combo. I'm taking Friday and next Monday off, who wants to go shopping with me? Apparently I need a makeover.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cheesecake for the Table

The desserts at Henrietta's Table are really yummy and I've been wanting to go back just for dessert ever since we enjoyed their dessert buffet at Thanksgiving. Adam, the Zoritys and I made a special dessert only trip last night where we enjoyed two "Henrietta's World Famous Chocolate Bread Pudding with Rum Caramelized Bananas, Vanilla Bean Ice Cream," two "Warm Gingerbread Cake, Mascarpone Ice Cream and Fresh Whipped Cream," and a "Cheesecake with Pear-Cranberry Compote" for the table. Yes, five desserts for four people, the server thought it was a mistake. My favorite was the bread pudding and the cheesecake is also really delicious. Their cheesecake isn't heavy, it's light and lemony and not at all dense.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pretty Flowers

Adam got me six months of flowers at a fundraiser. First installment, pink roses + pink & white tulips. Check out the bunny ears...that would be Adam's fun idea.

Samplepolooza at the Burlington Mall

Our loot:

4 pocket hand sanitizers, kitchen lemon, Bath & Bodyworks
2 cheese samples, Cabot cheese
1 sample foundation with mini brush, Sephora
1 chicken nugget, Chik Fil A

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stone pot bibim bap at woo jeon in the food court

Hmart food court...first course...pork buns and fried dumplings at young chow loo

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lobster and Butternut Squash Bisque

I was at Cosi to grab a quick lunch so I tried the new featured soup, the Lobster and Butternut Squash Bisque and it was delicious. Because the soup also had butternut squash, it wasn't quite as heavy as a traditional lobster bisque. There was even shredded lobster in the soup. All in all, paired with a piece of their flatbread, a yummy and hearty lunch on a cold day.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

ABC easy as 123 with Amazon

I was in charge of planning the Zority's baby shower today and the event was super fun and delicious as it was a Za pizza in Arlington. Tons of their friends came and we enjoyed good food, drink and delicious cake from Lyndells. The theme was the Alphabet which was fitting since they'd requested their friends bring books to build a library for their baby. I shopped for ideas and bought most of my baby shower items from Amazon and since I have prime...they arrived just a few days later. The only items not from Amazon were the Cake, Flowers and the Juice Glasses I used for vases. I forgot to take pictures, but here's the recap.

Guest Book/Cards:
Each guest wrote a note on the back of an Alphabet Wall Cards featuring Animals for the Zoritys to keep as a memento for their baby shower

I made little candy bags filled with Alphabet Gummi Candy.

Hot pink Gerber Daisies in these adorable "Alphabet" juice glasses from C&B for centerpieces plus stacks of these lower case alphabet blocks from Uncle Goose. Check out how the animals on the blocks are all baby versions. As much as I wanted to keep the cute blocks, they too got passed to the Zoritys baby.

Adam and I created a multiple choice quiz about the Zoritys as kids with questions like, "Who was your childhood hero?" Although they weren't utilized much, I also put out baby themed mad libs on the tables.

Our two quiz winners received Hatched! The Big Push from Pregnancy to Motherhood [Zayne...boy Zayne] or the Wry Baby Mini Safe Baby Handling Kit.

Our yummy cake was from Lyndells, a gold cake filled with custard and strawberry jam frosted with whipped cream. It was decorated with a big letter "D" in Red Sox font.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cheesecake in a Jar - How Cool!

My friend Corinna sent me cheesecake in a jar. Who would have thunk it? I can't wait to try it and I love that it comes in these tiny single serve jelly jars.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Pink Epiphany

I was hanging out in Zess's very pretty [pink] bedroom when she had a epiphany about pink. The following is a reconstructed conversation:

Zess: I have a lot of pink in my room. My walls are pink. [pause] My dress is pink. My pillow is pink. [pause] My other pillow is pink and my third pillow is pink too. That painting is pink.
plasticann: I thought you liked pink.
Zess: I do, but I also like light blue and yellow and I don't have any blue.
plasticann: [looking around] What shade of blue do you like?
Zess: Baby blue.
plasticann: You have light blue stripes in your curtains.
Zess: I guess! I just think it's weird that everything is pink.

I wish I had three pillows...three pink pillows.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sock Monkeys...

Over Christmas, Adam taught our nephew Zames all about the ways of the Sock Monkey. The following is a reconstructed conversation:

Adam: Zames, tell Aunt plasticann how many hours sock monkeys sleep.
Zames: 22 Hours!
plasticann: That's right, what do sock monkeys eat?
Zames: Socks!
plasticann: Socks??? I thought they ate striped bananas.
Adam: They do eat striped bananas.
plasticann: What do sock monkeys eat?
Zames: [Pause] They eat SOCKS!

Well, actually my two sock monkeys sleep for 20 hours a day and they're very active for 4 hours. I guess kid's sock monkeys sleep more for 22 hours which makes obviously makes sense because they're kids. Ha Ha! On another note, I just bought my 15th sock monkey today for a baby shower. The sock monkey lady commented, "Wow, you must know a lot of babies." Yes I do know a lot of babies and they just keep coming.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Machu Picchu charcoal chicken + fried plantains...very juicy chicken...yum.

It was cold out today, but sunny so we went on an all day walking tour across Somerville and Cambridge. We started with haircuts and breakfast in Ball Square, then we walked over to the main branch of the Somerville Library. Next we stopped by Machu Picchu in Union Square for a delicious lunch-snack. The chicken was awesome, the rub is delicious and the plantains were good too. The empanada was OK. We then walked over the Inman Square to check out East by Northeast on Cambridge Street. It was closed and we'd just had lunch, but we looked the menu and it looks interesting. Stopped by 1369 for some hot beverages and walked over to Harvard Square. Continued on to Porter Square for some errands and back home again. All in all a great day entirely on foot.

French toast with fruit. Treat after our haircuts.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Adorable Monkey Art at Work

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Upon watching episodes four and five of The Jersey Shore, Adam said, "I don't think I'd fit in at the Jersey Shore." Thank God!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Jersey Shore

I had read about the show and all it's controversy. I had even watched part of episode 4, but when Adam and I watched the episode 1 on demand, I was slack jawed and convinced the show wasn't actually real. Obviously, we had to watch episodes 2 and 3 to gather more information. Verdict is still out, waiting for the rest of the season.