Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chinese New Year: Postscript

Well, we had our friends Wheezy, Steve, Zara and Zobby over for Chinese New Year on Saturday when we inagurated our new shabu shabu hot pot cooking appliance. I was a little worried at first, but our dinner was delicious and people seemed to enjoy themselves. They all ate a lot which I take to be a good sign and we had so much extra food, we hosted a second dinner on Monday just to eat through our fridge. Because hot pot meals are full of liquid, Adam's belly was visibly poofed out after was so alarming, I [insensitively] told him he looked kinda pregnant. A big belly is surely a sign of a good meal and a good eater. I was relieved to see that the belly poof receded quickly by morning.

Since we couldn't share our hot pot dinner with Zess and Zames, we sent the kids some red envelopes filled with cash...well a single two dollar bill. plasticmom was alarmed that I was violating the law by sending cash in the mail, but I reminded her that I was sending two bucks not loads of drug money. Rather than spending her two bucks or investing it in an interest bearing account, Zess has been playing with her bills according to Zara. I've also assumed that Zess has appropriated one year old Zames' two bucks as any big sister should...for safekeeping of course. Fortunately, the bills are crisp and brand new so Zara need not worry about Zess playing with dirty money that needs to be laundered. Happy Chinese New Year to all and to all a Happy Chinese New Year. [I just made that up.]

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