Saturday, February 24, 2007


plasticann: Adam, Zara says Zess loves band-aids so I'm going to send Zess the rest of our Dora band-aids.
Adam: Remember how I was using the Dora band-aids and I got harassed about it?
plasticann: Yeah, I remember. I like sending Zess stuff in the mail. She's at this great age that she's actually excited about the same things like Hello Kitty. Zess is going to be my new penpal.
Adam: That's great!
plasticann: I'm excited....[pause]...[jokingly]...except when I think about it, Zess doesn't really take initiative with me sometimes. I mean, it's not like she really write me back.
Adam: Um, she is only three.

Adam has an excellent point, Zess is only three and I am definitely not three. Plus, she's still technically illiterate though I'm sure that won't last long given her giant brain. It's probably unreasonable to hope that she'll mail me letters. On the other hand, Zess did call me up while I was in California last month to ask me if I wanted to bake with her which I thought took a lot of initiative and was very sweet.

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