Monday, February 19, 2007

Saturday Adventures: Delux Town Diner

I was in charge of planning our Saturday adverture this weekend so I chose the Delux Town Diner. We got there around 9:15 in the morning and wait was around 10 minutes. We shared short stacks of their sour cream flapjacks, potato pancakes and a side of bacon. My goodness, the flapjacks were amazing. Fluffy, Crisp, Rich in Flavor! Some of the best I've had, I'm still fantasizing about them. I briefly considered scarfing down Adam's half of the pancakes before he could stop me, but I decided not to cross those boundaries for the sake of our marriage. Adam had no clue about where we were going for breakfast and I'm usually pretty bad about surprises. I even had him guess. [A is for Adam, P is for plasticann]

P: Guess where we're going?
A: Harvard Square?
P: No!
A: Soundbites?
P: No...we are taking a bus though.
A: Are we going to Arlington?
P: No!
A: Is it Medford?
P: No!
A: How about Somerville?
P: No, I can't believe you haven't guessed it.

And so the conversation continued even as we were waiting for the 71 Bus in the lower bus level at Harvard Square.

A: Are we going to Breakfast Club?
P: No!
A: How about Saugus?
P: Yes!
A: [full of excitement] Really, we're going to Kane's?
P: Uh..No! Saugus is really far.
A: I thought maybe you figured out how to get there by bus, but I guess it's more of a zipcar activity.
P: [Bus pulls up, flashing "Watertown"] Here's our bus. Don't look where we're going.
A: I looked, Watertown.
P: Do you know where we're going now?
A: Red Sauce?
P: Mmmm...Chicken Parm, but no!
A: I thought Red Sauce for breakfast would have been odd.

Turns out Adam had never heard of Delux Town Diner which explained why he failed to guess correctly. Unfortunately our bus was filled with overly helpful eavesdropping passengers who kept asking me what I was looking for and where I was going and whether they could help since they were longtime Watertown residents. Therefore, I had to make a mini announcement to half of the bus saying, "He doesn't know where we're going, it's a surprise, but I have a map so I think we'll be OK, but thanks."


Ann said...

Quite yummy and also easy to get it to by bus. The bus stop is literally right outside the diner!

Ann said...

Just to clarify, that first comment is actually from Adam who apparently left a comment using my identity.
The Real plasticann

Anonymous said...

Since Plasticann is Plasticann and her Mom is Plasticmom, why isn't Adam Plasticadam?

Ann said...

Adam prefers to be referred to as "Adam" as he isn't a "plastic..." by blood.