Friday, December 14, 2007

MGDub is Coming To Town

MGDub is visiting for a few days just in time for the snow. We're going out on Saturday with Wheezy and the Zoritys for a holiday dinner at Maggiano's which I'm totally looking forward to. There might be snow on Saturday, but as long as the T is running, we should be able to trek down to Maggiano's Little Italy for something delicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love my room at Chez Bakun. It's so cozy! I'm writing from the comfort of my sleep comfort bed right now. Plus Ann and Adam have their upstairs guest area all decked out like a hotel with sample-sized toiletries, Boston guide books and Charlie cards for the T. AND I arrived last night to the smell of warm chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven!!! If I can convince Adam to let me turn his treadmill room into an editing suite, I may never leave.