Monday, March 08, 2010

A Young Man's Thoughts Turn to Love...[Posted by Zara]

We had some surprise out of town guests this past Saturday, and Zames was unable to attend his friend Zora's fourth birthday party. Never imagining that the two, though classmates, had ever interacted, Zara neglected to inform Zames he was missing the party. (Zames is pretty oblivious to girls as playmates at school; he's too busy shoveling sand or digging in the gravel pit or riding a tricycle around the bike path.)

Fast forward to today, when Zames asked about the party. Hearing he had missed it, he fell into full emotional devastation, sobbing hysterically. Mama Zara, quite confused and surprised by all these crocodile tears, comforts Zames and asks why he is so upset. Zames says, "Zyler is my friend and I play with him all of the time, but Zora is my girlfriend!"

Thus Mama Zara promises to invite Zora over for a playdate complete with birthday cupcakes to make up for the party Zames missed. Zora is a sweet and saucy dark haired little girl with ringlets, quite appealing. Zames's "type" noted at age 4 1/2.

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