Friday, January 24, 2014

No Sew "Napkins

Seersucker Napkins Circa 2010

A few years ago, I saw this Martha Stewart Seersucker Napkin DIY I became obsessed with. Basically, you cut seersucker cloth into squares and fray the edges so there's no sewing involved. Anyone who's come over for dinner in the last few years has been subjected to these intentionally frayed scraps of cloth that I call a "napkin." Fortunately, my friends are pretty gracious about these quirky "napkins" and I just tell them that it's a Martha Stewart DIY if they look at them funny. Since I'm intimidated by my sewing machine, I like that I can crank out a lot of no sew "napkins" while I watch TV. Adam has come to tolerate these "napkins" over the years, but I know they mildly irritate him because they fray and sometimes leave threads in the laundry. He's a little long suffering, but we're using fewer paper napkins by switching to cloth and I figure mild adversity is character building….right?

Last week, I decided that our towering stash of Seersucker Napkins from 2010 were starting to feel a little thin and nearing the end of their useful life so I found a stash of cute patterned cloth in my closet and made some new "napkins." I bought the cloth in 2010 with aspirations to make some cute pillow cases, but I'm still intimidated by my sewing machine four years later and the color scheme of my house has changed enough that I figured I might as well make some "napkins" with the cute cloth. The good news is the 2014 edition napkins are more substantial and they're more generously sized. Yay!

 "Napkins" Circa 2014

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