Thursday, May 22, 2014

I want to go see those people who...

plasticann: Maybe we should take a trip in June for a few days.
plasticmom: Yeah, that might be fun!
plasticann: We could take the train to NYC. We could fly to New Orleans. We could even fly direct to Charleston.
plasticmom: [pensively] You know where I want to go? I want to go see those people who don't use electricity.
plasticann: [incredulously] Ummm, you mean the Amish?
plasticmom: YES! The Amish. I think it so interesting how people live without electricity.
plasticann: So, you don't want to go to NYC, you want to go see the Amish.
plasticmom: NYC is just like Tokyo or any other big city. Those people without electricity, now that's interesting. I want to see how they live.

plasticmom is oddly obsessed with visiting Amish Country aka "those people who don't use electricity." She mentioned her desire to visit the Amish last year which I chalked up to her being random. I keep trying to sway her toward the bright lights of the big city hoping that she forgot about the Amish, but her memory is iron clad and her resolve to visit the Amish is steadfast. Heck, she's probably right that Lancaster County is going to be way more interesting, but I might persuade her to visit Lancaster County by way of Philly so at least we squeeze in a visit to the Liberty Bell.

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