Thursday, February 24, 2005

Type A Personality

Because I'm heading off to MIT tomorrow for a flurry of weekend activities for admitted students, the lunchroom conversation turned toward the stereotypical extroverted type A personality types that troll the hallowed halls of business schools everywhere. My coworkers told cautionary tales of the type A, which lead me to wonder what type I was since their underlying assumption was I lacked type A characteristics. Martha Stewart's clearly a type A and her mania drives her genius as is Bill Clinton. Determined to find more information, I hopped on google and did some research. I even took three short personality tests. My score, type A-, a balanced sort of type A not prone to cardiac arrest and other stress induced health problems. In retrospect, actually doing research to determine my personality was probably a little type A-ish. I think I'm actually a type A who's mellowed out a little, but I'm still an introvert. Laurel can attest to my extremely type A years back in elementary school. My friends would sometimes joke I was going to have a heart attack before I was forty. I guess heart attacks are funnier when you're thirteen.

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