Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Purpose Of Blogging

plasticann: So, how was your day?
Adam: Oh, it was good, blah blah blah. I made myself some lunch today. You wouldn't want to know what was in it.
plasticann: [grimacing] Was it reeaaallly old food?
Adam: No, I chopped up the leftover chicken and rice from Blue Fin, fried it up with pieces of the bacon waffle from last night and pieces of the last scallion cheddar biscuit.
plasticann: [long pause, slightly unsure] You know I love you regardless of what you eat.
Adam: Yeah I know. Brian walked into the kitchen while I was making my lunch and gave me a weird look.
plasticann: Did he ask you what you were cooking?
Adam: No. I'm glad he didn't though because I was kind of embarrassed.
plasticann: Maybe you shouldn't eat it if you're embarrassed about it.
Adam: It looked weird, but it tasted good.
plasticann: You know that this is blogworthy.
Adam: Don't blog about this. You should blog about how I made bacon waffles last night and how they were good.
plasticann: Perhaps, you've missed the purpose of blogging.
Adam: To make fun of me?
plasticann: Exactly!

Adam made bacon sausage waffles for dinner last night. Waffles with bits of sausage and bacon inside. The hybrid dish was pretty good I must admit, but I must draw the line at super hybrid dishes where hybrid dishes cooked with other foods.

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