Monday, February 12, 2007

Newfangled Technology

Despite the fact that I'm in my fourth and final semester, I'm still flummoxed by the newfangled technology at school. Some of classes have switched to a newer class website system that I'd never seen before this semester, a system appropriately named "Stellar." Unfortunately, I didn't catch on that the name of the school wide system was "Stellar" so I spent many days feeling perplexed by some of the e-mail messages I would receive about these classes. All of these e-mails would refer to the classes as, "Note: This mail was sent to all participants and guests in the Stellar class 'Pricing'" or "Stellar class this or that. At first I thought it was one overenthusiastic TA referring to the classes as Stellar, but then other classes were being called Stellar and every e-mail made reference to the class being Stellar. After a few days, I thought, "Come on, I know the class is good, but do we really need to call it Stellar every time we refer to it?" Boy did I feel sheepish when I finally figured out the computer system was called Stellar.

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