Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I just got an invitation from Adam to join his LinkedIn network. Hmmm, I wonder if he used the generic invitation template?

Since you are a person I trust, I wanted to invite you to join my network on LinkedIn.
I'm using it to discover inside connections I didn't know I had. It's interesting to see the level of access you can have with only a few people in your network.
It's free to join and only takes a minute to sign up and join my network.
- Adam

Typically people will personalize the invitation with a generic, "Hope all is going well since graduation" so I started laughing when I read Adam's generic invite. I thought, hmmm, it's nice to know that I'm someone my husband trusts. I feel affirmed! Incidentally, I'm the 2nd person to join Adam's network, apparently Chi-Ray was quicker to accept than me.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Well... Chi-Ray invited me. I have zero familiarity with this Link-thing. Perhaps I should have read more about it... and noted that I could personalize the invitation. :)