Monday, July 28, 2008

PA and Back

It's been a while since I last posted, but Adam and I have had a number of fun adventures in July, namely visiting MGDub, GJDubya and family in Allentown, PA.

We took the train down to Philly July 3 and drove our rental out to Bethlhem, PA where we were staying. Bethlehem used to be a steel town and in fact, Wheezy and I once worked on a project involving Bethlehem Steel where we learned all about different types of steel products including cold rolled, hot rolled, H-Beams and I-Beams. Anyhow, Adam and I visited with MGDub's family for a few days where we got to go to not one, but two Iron Pigs baseball games and learned all the various chants and cheers. We also saw MGDub's childhood home and saw her wall of achievement which was quite impressive indeed. We always knew she was wicked smaaaht, but we had no idea just how many awards she'd received throughout her lifetime. We were excited to meet the whole family Babas, aunts, uncles and the boys.

To be continued...

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