Saturday, August 15, 2009

66 out of 71 restaurants

Adam recently created a restaurant map/packet for a church gathering of 71 restaurants within a 1/2 mile radius of our church. Since we live really close to church, this 1/2 mile radius is pretty much our neighborhood.

I was initially surprised that there were so many places to eat in Porter, Davis, Alewife and on Mass Ave. It seemed like an excessive amount of restaurants, but turns out it's not quite enough restaurants for the Zakuns.

Super methodical Adam went through the list and checked every restaurant he'd been to on the list. He's been to 66 out 71 or 93%. Of course, I had to go through the list myself and I scored 65 our 71 or 92% at 6pm, but bumped up to 66 after dinner at Singabella Cafe tonight.

Adam is now determined to complete his list by going to the last 5 restaurants even the ones that we know are bad. We do agree that we need to go to the Burren sometime soon for some Guinness stew and fish and chips, neither of us shockingly have ever been.

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