Monday, August 31, 2009


We took our bikes out for the first time yesterday and rode up to Arlington Center. We went to dinner at Sweet Chili and for dessert, I had to have some frozen custard at Chilly Cow. The following is reconstructed conversation while waiting in line at Chilly Cow:

Adam: OK, when you ask for your sample, ask for Lemon. I don't want to ask for more than two samples.
plasticann: So what sample are you going to ask for?
Adam: Peppermint stick and smores.
plasticann: [confused] That's two samples. I thought you didn't want to ask for more than two?
Adam: I'm asking for two. You're asking for one. I feel bad asking for three samples so I need you to ask for the Lemon.
plasticann: So you want three samples total not two samples total.
Adam: You got it!

Of course we ended up buying a kiddie peppermint stick to share and we didn't have any change or small bills to leave a tip since Adam put the $2.35 purchase on his credit card. We felt kinda lame.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha. I buy $2 things on the credit card way more often than I should. It's embarrassing...