Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sock Monkeys...

Over Christmas, Adam taught our nephew Zames all about the ways of the Sock Monkey. The following is a reconstructed conversation:

Adam: Zames, tell Aunt plasticann how many hours sock monkeys sleep.
Zames: 22 Hours!
plasticann: That's right, what do sock monkeys eat?
Zames: Socks!
plasticann: Socks??? I thought they ate striped bananas.
Adam: They do eat striped bananas.
plasticann: What do sock monkeys eat?
Zames: [Pause] They eat SOCKS!

Well, actually my two sock monkeys sleep for 20 hours a day and they're very active for 4 hours. I guess kid's sock monkeys sleep more for 22 hours which makes obviously makes sense because they're kids. Ha Ha! On another note, I just bought my 15th sock monkey today for a baby shower. The sock monkey lady commented, "Wow, you must know a lot of babies." Yes I do know a lot of babies and they just keep coming.

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