Monday, February 01, 2010

Clothing Explosion

I just had a wardrobe planning session with a personal stylist/shopper this afternoon to update my look. Above is the aftermath from pulling out all my clothes. She was really nice and diplomatic and realistic, but one theme that kept coming up was, "if you take care of the things you own, they'll look better." Things like folding my sweaters neatly, hanging up my pants, ironing, dry cleaning, etc. She had lots of other great thoughts and ideas, but the following conversation will give you a good feel for my major maintenance:

PS/S: This is a great jacket, I love it.

plasticann: Oh yeah, I haven't worn it yet, it's new.

PS/S: Ummm, why is it already wrinkled if you've never worn it?

plasticann: Hmmm, I think I left it in the bag for a while before I hung it up.

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