Friday, February 05, 2010

Punk! Moi?

I met up with some friends from b-school tonight at a very crowded pub downtown and I can now empathize a tiny bit with how the kids on Jersey Shore keep getting into trouble because it sure is easy to get into an argument a bar. To explain, I was shopping all day downtown so my rucksack was very full and I had it hanging from the back of my chair. The following is what happened:

Guy: Hey, excuse me, can you scoot in, there's not much room here.
plasticann: [scoots in] Sure, sorry about that.
Guy: Hey, can you scoot in?
plasticann: [turning around] I'm sorry, is there not enough room?
Guy: NO! Your backpack is in my lap, NO there's not enough room.
plasticann: [finally understands and removes bag from chair] I'll move it under the table, I'm sorry to inconvenience you.
Guy: Well, you don't have be a punk about it.

Wow, I got called a punk at a bar and it was only 7pm. That has got to be a plasticann first. Now I'm home and ready to enjoy my hot mint tea and some delicious peanut milk chocolate.

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