Friday, October 19, 2012


Hey hey we're the monkeys...people say we monkey around!!!

After years of coffee making on the cafe team at church, I recently decided to switch to volunteering with Baby Church. I'm assigned to my favorite age group, that 1-2 year old cruiser stage where they're much more interactive, but they're still pretty little and very cute. Even better, that age group is called the "Monkeys" which is just the best name ever since I can amuse myself by saying "monkey business" and "monkeying around."

A few weeks ago, I had my Baby Church visit / tryout which cause quite a lot of commotion within my family and friend set.

1. plasticmom (who was in town visiting) offered to stop by to "supervise" me during my Baby Church. She wasn't volunteering to help with the kids, just to "supervise" her own kid just in case I needed the moral support.

2. Halfway through my Baby Church try out, Adam stopped by the room to "check in" on me. First of all, the kids all thought their own dads were coming when they saw a tall man and then they all started crying when they realized the tall man was not their dad. The Monkey room supervisor looked at Adam weird and I had to explain that he was checking up on me, not the kids.

3. My friend Zave "stopped by" at the end of Baby Church because he'd heard I was volunteering and he "had to see it for himself."

All in all, I think I did pretty well with the kids. Family and friends...apparently don't have much faith in me or they just like to "helicopter." I think I'm probably the first Baby Church volunteer to have 2 people check up on me which is a little embarrassing, but at least they care enough to check up. If anyone else wants to "check up" on me, I'll be hanging out with the "monkeys" this Sunday at church where we "monkey around" and are up to no good with our "monkey business.


Laurel said...

You were so good with Viola (except for being alarmed by her soft spot. ;))Although a whole room of toddlers does sound a little daunting.

Ann said...

I totally forgot about those freaky soft spots. Had I remembered this weekend, I would be been fashioning helmets out of bowls for the kids.

Laurel said...

Too funny! I love it!