Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Zvy’s Birthday is Tomorrow

I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since Zvy joined the Zority clan. Having no children on my own, I’ve tried to cultivate a relationship with both the Zority kids since once day “Auntie Ann” and “Uncle Adam” will need someone to push their wheelchairs.

So far, Zvy hasn’t taken to Adam as much as she’s taken to me. Score one for plasticann! Adam’s beard kinda scares her and reminds her of Santa Claus and she’s not into Santa. I have the advantage of being beardless, short and female. I’d like to think Zvy likes me because I’m cool, but I’m pretty sure it’s my gifts, treats and crafts. For example, Zvy prefers plasticann’s Caramel Cake over Adam’s Baked Pasta. Not surprising, but I'll take the point. She gets more excited about plasticann’s necklace crafts (kitchen twine, cheerios and pretzels) than giving Adam (or anyone) a hug. To be fair, the necklaces are pretty awesome: fun activity, cool accessory and a snack for later.

Tomorrow’s the birthday celebration and I’m more excited than I’d care to admit. Zvy has been counting down since 11 days ago and she knows exactly how many days until her birthday. It’s going to be a Dora centric celebration. (Zvy’s not terrible original in her obsessions) Dora cake, Dora decorations, etc. Until tomorrow...

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