Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's a Hello Kitty World!

My first full in Taipei did not disappoint. Today, I discovered my favorite Hello Kitty at every turn. Had I gone hog wild, I could be carrying a Hello Kitty bag wearing Hello Kitty unmentionables eating a Hello Kitty donut from Mr. Donut and playing with a little Hello Kitty toy car. I elected NOT to photograph the Hello Kitty unmentionables since I like to keep this blog friendly for all audiences.

Mr. Donut Hello Kitty Donuts: Check out the little pink edible bow on the donuts

Tiny Hello Kitty Toy Car: I totally would have bought one if not for the enormous line

We also checked out the special toy car and train event on the sixth floor of the Mitsukoshi department store. The place was a complete zoo as MGDub's mom GJDubya would say. I'm pretty sure every single child in Taipei was crammed into this place. While I'm partial to Asian babies, not all Asian babies are cute. I wanted a little Hello Kitty car as a souvenir, but I wasn't willing to wade through the sea of kids whining "I want a toy car" in Chinese of course.

Toy train exhibit with all the landmarks of the world including the local fav Taipei 101

Check out his cool Car shoes

Personal space? What a novel concept. Total chaos with everyone is up in everyone else's business.

We escaped down to level B2 to check out the food hall. I was fascinated by these "native" Taiwanese tall watermelons among other finds. 

Tall mini watermelons..."red inside" they tell me

Refreshing Bear Beer not be confused with Beer Bear which would be a bear made of beer

An enviable display of crunchy snacks. Adam's gonna freak out when he arrives next week

Zave Zority, this one is for you. Even though I'm illiterate, I'm pretty sure this snack is super spicy. First off, the pepper looks pretty bad ass. Secondly, there are five peppers on the bottom right and all are filled in so this must be the spiciest snack they make.

Frozen rice burgers. I'm intrigued, but not intrigued enough to actually try it

 Refreshing sweet treat: Tofu pudding with red bean, peanuts and some sort of chewy jelly. It was delicious!


Anonymous said...

On the other side of the planet, Zave Zority's mouth is watering in anticipation of that toxic-looking bag of chips!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it would have been legit to take a photo of the HK unmentionables, as they could be used to toilet train a young HK fan: "Remember to use the toilet - you don't want to get HK dirty!"

Or am I erroneously assuming that the unmentionables weren't "adult" in some way.

CAD Cowboy

Ann said...

HK unmentionables were in fact for adults, but they were fairly tame. Bunch of brassieres and panties.