Friday, March 05, 2004

Girly Girl

I would never have guessed funky fresh Lisa Loeb was such a girly girl. A group of us viewed two episodes of the Dweezil & Lisa show last night and offered our opinions and reactions to MGDub for her article. I enjoyed the show, but I've discovered my standards for food shows are quite low since I don't have cable and PBS supplies me with my quality food oriented programming. For instance, I find Cooking Around Town amusing and a must see, but even I have to admit Ron Della Chiesa is downright corny with his opera references. Since beggars can't be choosers, I'll take what I can get. One day, I'll have my Food'll see. What's mysterious is why Adam doesn't watch Food Network...he has cable at home, but I guess he did give up TV for lent.

I knew Kristen and Dave were Food Network fanatics especially since most conversations I have with Dave center around the following topics: Good Eats, my six quart Kitchenaid and Dave's woodworking projects. I enjoy chatting with Dave because he displays extreme patience and actually engages me with thoughtful questions when I go on and on and on about my six quart Kitchenaid, which is a sunny yellow by the way. Even MGDub is a Food Network fan despite her general lack of interest in food, but I think we're winning her over to the dark foodie side. The surprise of the evening was my friend Zerry. Who knew Zerry would be the perfect foil to Dave, Kristen and MGDub with her enthusiasm for all things Food Network and her savant like ability to accurately "name that show" prompted by somewhat vague descriptions from the others. Zerry chalks it all up to unemployment, but I'll bet she'd still be keeping up with the Food Network even if she were fully employed.

Getting back to the girly girl comment on Lisa Loeb. Here are a couple of observations gleaned from the two episodes we viewed last night. Lisa is extremely afraid of hot oil, but enjoys the fruit of hot oil namely fried foods. Everytime she and Dweezil were in a kitchen with a chef, Lisa would jump back and comment about the hot oil and how she didn't want to get burned. Perhaps Lisa, with her enthusiasm for all things fried, had a traumatic experience frying up god knows what and is now petrified by hot oil. Lisa also likes to eat desserts and I approve. My favorite part of the show was a montage of Lisa chowing down on cupcakes, whoopie pies, s'more bars, ice cream and whatnot. You go girl...enjoy your diabetic free sugar laden lifestyle, but stop with the Dweezil twirling Lisa getting old.

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