Thursday, April 01, 2004

Adam's Cardinal Rules For Fire & Ice (ACRFF&I)

Learn from Adam's recent experience at Fire & Ice. Avoid indigestion and sleeplessness by eating reasonable amounts of food and take note of Adam's Cardinal Rules. I used all three rules for my visit to Fire & Ice and I can personally vouch for them...they're excellent.

ACRFF&I #1: Instead of creating a heaping tower of Babel with one bowl, feel free to take two bowls up to the grill. The F&I staff may say "one bowl," but they never say, "don't take two bowls." Vegetables, like mushrooms, tend to cook down so one bowl won't yield enough cooked food. If you're "cute" like me, try sweetly explaining to the grill staff, "I didn't want to drop my vegetables on the floor so I used two bowls" and curry favor while flouting the implied social norms regarding the one bowl system. However, don't take two heaping bowls up to the grill and try explaining it away because that just looks gluttonous and you'll lose all credibility.

ACRFF&I #2: Related to "two bowl" system is the "two trip" system. Most people are unable to simultaneously carry three bowls (two bowls of food plus one bowl of sauce) because most folks only have two hands. First, drop off your two bowls of food at the grill. Then head over to the sauce station while your food is cooking and fill up your sauce bowl. To avoid flavorless food, be sure to fill your sauce bowl to the brim.

ACRFF&I #3: Give the following sauce combo whirl: 1/3 Pineapple Curry + 2/3 Teriyaki Sauce. Here's another inside tip from Adam, the grill masters keep soy sauce, hot sauce and other condiments behind the grill...utilize those extra condiments to cut the sweetness from the sauces.

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