Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Alaskan Cruise Top 10

10. Cheese plate of the day...for the table.
9. Steve the "Bingo Guy"/"Senior Assistant Cruise Director"/"General go to guy when Dane the Australian 'Cruise Director' isn't around"
Multiple servings of multiple courses...two servings each of a five course meal equals ten courses.
7. Kid who dutifully squirted her stuffed dog's paw with hand sanitizer after sanitizing her own hands.
6. Creme Caramel...gotta love flan.
5. Discovering the "secret" lounge equipped with an espresso maker on the 7th floor.
4. Cutie Pie Henry
3. Hearing the blue icebergs crack and watching chunks of ice fall and splash into the ocean.
2. Baby Zess wearing her Baby Uggs daily.
1. Discovering a talent for ingesting food all day everyday.

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