Friday, July 02, 2004


To celebrate surviving our latest big project unscathed, we walked over the river into Boston for lunch yesterday at the Beacon Hill Bistro on Charles Street. For all you foodies out there, here are some stats:

Lunch party: 6
Lunches with fries/frites: 6
Lunches with no fries/frites: (6-6)=0
Hamburgers: 3
Steak: 2
Desserts: 2 (lemon tart and flourless chocolate cake)
Man Trouble--Mrs. Z's latest book: 5

We've been joking that we should read Mrs. Z's new (not autobiographical) romance novel about a romance novelist who falls in love with a billionaire hotel developer as a primer for our project so I purchased a copy for each member of the team as a memento. I sure hope they'll proudly display their copies of Man Trouble on their bookshelves. Folks at Z Corp. seem to share the sentiment since one of her other novels is #6 for Z Corp. on Amazon or maybe the tech geeks at Z are romantic suckers.

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