Sunday, June 03, 2007

Penny A Day

The other day, we sent our nephew Zames a cool ball for throwing around and we sent Zess a small coin purse, Hello Kitty of course. Zess was so excited about the coin purse and the random change and money I stuck in there that she's now inspired to earn a penny a day for doing her chores. I was immediately intrigued about the types of "chores" a three year old does. Apparently, she's responsible each morning for the following:

1. turn off her white noise machine
2. turn off her nightlight
3. bring her water sippy cup into the kitchen

Perhaps if Adam offered me a penny a day, I'd do some of the chores that I perpetually overlook. Oddly enough, they're pretty similar to Zess' chores. I often forget to turn off the humidifier, turn off the bathroom light and I sometimes forget to bring my water glasses into the kitchen. I am reasonably good about doing dishes so at least I've got something on my three year old niece.

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