Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zimo & Zegan

Adam and I hosted an impromptu BBQ over Labor Day and among our guests were Zrica and her kids Zimo and Zegan. Zimo is a prococious almost four year old who reads and once agreed that he was a Communist. Zegan is his little sister who's almost two and looks up to her big bro and wants to do everything he does including reading. They were both really into playing with our Lego magnets on our fridge. I also let them play with a landline phone we had around. Zimo even "called" me on my cell phone and we had a lovely conversation. The following reconstructed conversation about the phone:

Zimo: Mommy, if they're not using their phone, maybe we can...borrow it.
Mom: We already have a phone at home.
Zimo: But, that phone is for Mommy and Daddy and we should have one for...the kids.
Mom: You already have a phone that you kids play with and drag around.
Zimo:'s always good to have an extra.

Good try Zimo! I could see him visibly straining to come up with more logical reasons for why they should take the phone home. Zimo may be pretty smart for a little kid, but Mom is afterall still much smarter.

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