Monday, May 10, 2004

Hot Dog!

My coworker Zeah likes to exclaim "Hot Dog!" when things are going well at work. On another note, Adam and I watched an episode of Phantom Gourmet this weekend featuring Hot Dogs. The guest host was Eddie Andelman who created the Hot Dog Safari. Eddie is some sort of local sports celebrity and waxes poetically about hot dogs being the perfect food. An example of benevolent nepotism, Eddie's sons happen to be the founders of Phantom Gourmet. Here are some highlights from the show:

1. Don't eat Fenway Franks: Eddie had some pretty nasty insight on the cooking process of Fenway Franks. Apparently, they dump all the hotdogs into the water at the same time and keep adding hot dogs to replenish. How do they know which hot dog has been there the longest? Eddie is also sketched out by the lack of "wash your hands" type signs in the restrooms at Fenway.

2. Spike' Junkyard Dogs: Phantom approved and a shameless plug for my favorite hot dog place, which started near my alma mater.

3. Cheesy Corn Dogs: Pure Genius! Jasper White cooks up some special hot dog treats for Eddie at the Summer Shack. Eddie calls the experience a make a wish for fat people...referring to himself. My favorite Jasper hot dog concoction is the cheesy corn dog. Skewer cubes of cheese between chunks of hot dogs and fry it up in a corn dog batter. Unbelievable! This solves that torturous question I’m confronted with at Hot Dog on a Stick: hot dog on a stick or cheese on a stick? Now you can have both on a stick. I'm fighting the urge to buy a deep fryer so I can make this ingenious deep fried combination.

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