Thursday, September 02, 2004

Wrong Bathroom

I stopped by the restroom before leaving work last night and saw one of my male coworkers drying his hands with a paper towel. I initially greeted him with a friendly, "Hi *&%$#," but started stammering incoherently once I realized something was wrong. My thoughts, "why am I in the same bathroom as him, it says 'women' and it looks like the women's bathroom," were expressed inarticulately as "ahhh bathroom wrong bathroom sorry men's sorry ahhh" while I quickly backed out of the restroom. Turns out the men's room was being cleaned so he was using the women's restroom so I was in the right this time. Unfortunately my worst fears are not unfounded because I have repeatedly walk into the men's room by accident at Henrietta's Table and the CPK near Park Plaza.

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