Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Crankiness and useless stock predictions

Suffering from writer's block, I scurried off to my local palace of consumerism after I heard Adam was upgrading his wardrobe at his local Nordstroms. I walked the four blocks to the mall to check out the after Christmas sales. Despite my mall induced crankiness, I did enjoy my jaunt to the mall as I snacked on some delicious caramel popcorn and lemonade.

Cranky Cause #1: While I was waiting to buy my popcorn, a family of seven was ahead of me in line. Three of the kids were literally rubbing their faces, hands and entire bodies against the glass popcorn display. Then they proceeded to climb the popcorn stand. My only thought was, "contraception," but Wheezy thinks I'll feel differently when they're my "adorable" kids. I'm unconvinced.

Cranky Cause #2: For years, plasticmom has been nagging me about cleaning out my wallet and I've stubbornly resisted. Finally, even I had to admit my wallet had reached George Costanza proportions. I checked out the wallets at Nordstroms and picked up two Kate Spade leather wallets of the exact same style and same color. However, I was morally outraged when I discovered one wallet was clearly lower in quality. Then I figured out they were from different countries of origin, but both were being sold side by side as identical items. Anyhoo...my point being, I now have a new wallet and I'm embarrassed to admit, I found something from 1993 buried inside my old wallet. plasticmom was right afterall.

Useless Stock Prediction Spurred on by Crankiness: I'd consider selling short on Coach stock, but I'm a wuss about taking financial risks. They've successfully traded on their brand name and reputation for quality by selling lots of more fashionable goods, but I think they've swung too far in the other direction by over accelerating their design cycle and turning out lower quality goods.

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