Thursday, September 15, 2005

Upper Crust

Now that I'm a student [again], schoolwork is omnipresent. I suppose, now is not the time to be obsessed with enjoying certain foods that are inconveniently located. Unfortunately, I succumbed to my irrational craving for a slice of Upper Crust pepperoni pizza last night. Granted the pizza was sublime, but this little culinary excursion cost me a precious 30 minutes. That's about 10 pages of reading in my Accounting textbook. Ironically, I was motivated to trek across the river and down Charles Street was because I was famished. My low blood sugar levels messed with my analytical abilities and I was convinced that the only food I could eat was a slice of Upper Crust pizza. I wanted to propel myself over the Fanueil Hall for a Beard Papa Cream Puff to top off the pizza, but at after I'd eaten, my mental faculties had returned.

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