Friday, December 16, 2005

Some Thoughts on...Sugar Cookies

I'm not really a fan of the sugar cookie, especially the drop cookie variety. In fact, I have strong opinions. The pale sugar cookie is like the sugar donut, it's just not sweet enough and not very tasty. As Adam might put it, "not my favorite," Give me that concentrated sugary goodness that gets into every nook and cranny of a lovely glazed donut. (I digress.) That said, I do like these rolled sugar cookies from Martha Stewart. For me, what elevates this cookie dough from blah to golden buttery deliciousness is the baking time. Martha suggests 8-10 minutes which yields an icky pale cookie, but I like to kick that baking time up to 18 minutes for lightly browned crisp cookie. The sugar caramelizes a bit and the cookies taste WAY better. I just made a batch for Adam's work party. Alton's got a pretty good method, but he's got nothing on me when it comes to efficiently rolling out cookie dough.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Unfortunately, buttery golden crisp sugar cookies are a bit tough to bite into, but I'm hoping the little kids at Adam's work don't chip their little front teeth trying to eat the cookies.