Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pooh Beer

My friends and I were working on a assignment on Coors beer this week when the following reconstructed conversation occured:

plasticann: [really striving to think of a beer she enjoyed] I'm not a huge beer drinker, but I did have this honey ale once at John Harvard's that I really enjoyed.
Zurt: [graciously] That's kind of a sophisticated beer.
Zeff: It's not exactly macho.
Zurt: Well, I didn't say honey ale was manly.
Zing Zing: It's like Pooh Beer!
plasticann: Pooh Beer?
Zing Zing: Honey ale, it's the kind of beer Pooh Bear would drink.

Zing Zing had a great point. I'll bet Pooh Bear, if he was of age and actually real, would enjoy the honey ale. It's less sticky than a honey pot, but a tasty treat.


Anonymous said...

this reminds me a little of a graph i once made that had the words "bottled bear" on the x-axis. Ann is the only person who would know about this and even she may not remember...though she drew an awesome graphic to go along with my typo.

Anonymous said...

Of course I remember, a picture of a bottle with a teddy bear inside on Wheezy's dry erase board. Good Times!