Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Gear for plasticann

I got plasticmom a pair of navy blue crocs in Seattle and I've been coveting a pair ever since. I have to admit, I was initially "anit-croc" because I thought they were supposed to be rain shoes and I didn't understand why they had holes on top. It also seemed like the entire population of Seattle was wearing them. What won me over was seeing legions of little kids looking so cute and happy in their brightly colored crocs. I was shopping online for a laptop backpack last week at when I saw they had the new Mary Jane style crocs so I had to order a pair for myself. They arrived yesterday just in time to show Wheezy who was coming to our High School Musical party. I'm loving my crocs thus far and quick search online reveals that they make an bright orange mary jane style...perfect for Wheezy.

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