Monday, March 19, 2007

Extreme Halitosis

We made these tasty sesame noodles with veggies on Friday, but somehow I just had a bad reaction to the garlic and onions in the dish. I woke up Saturday morning feeling like garlic smells were seeping out of my pores. I'm reminded of how MGDub used to love shrimp scampi and how GJDubya would have the open her windows the next morning because MGDub's entire room would reek of garlic. Brushing my teeth seemed to help a little, but then I made the mistake of eating leftover sesame noodles for lunch which caused what Adam termed as, "Extreme Halitosis." I brushed my teeth twice, brushed my tongue and the entire inside of my mouth, gargled twice with mouthwash and my halitosis still lingered. Finally Adam, out of desperation, popped three Listerine strips into my mouth which helped though it tasted disgusting. Ughh!. Oddly enough, Adam ate the exact same food and didn't seem to have any problems with it.

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