Monday, August 04, 2008

Steak and S'mores

We bought a big steak from McKinnon's in Davis and grilled it up for dinner last night with some olive oil, salt and pepper. Adam did a great job grilling and the steak was delicious. I just ate some leftovers in yummy sandwich form. We also invented a delicious new S'more concept, the chocolate covered pretzel S'more. A dark chocolate covered pretzel from Trader Joe's with a toasted marshmallow. You get the chocolate, the salty pretzel as your graham cracker substitute and a deliciously gooey marshmallow. It's a bit tricky to make unfortunately since putting the pretzel over the fire causes the chocolate coating to melt. Adam's first attempt worked pretty well. He made a slit in the marshmallow, not quite all the way through, stuffed a pretzel in the slit and threaded a skewer through the marshmallow, the pretzel through the hole and through the other end of the marshmallow. This way, the pretzel stayed put partially wrapped in the marshmallow and the pretzel didn't swing around wildly as we tried to toast the concoction. YUMMY!

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