Friday, November 20, 2009

I Heart Kindle

This update is about 10 months overdue, but better late than never especially since I have collected some stats to report. Adam, kindly, graciously, generously bought me a Kindle earlier this year. YEAH! He tried really hard to convince me the Kindle wasn't worth it. He even did a cost benefit analysis and tried to negotiate with me, offering to pick up books for me from library or buy them from Amazon. In the end, Adam generously relented from his strong opinion about the Kindle and got me one.

I'm love my Kindle, it's so great and it makes me so happy. I'm reading a lot more books, I love sampling free chapters and the wireless technology is awesome. I'm getting my Wall Street Journal on it and my recycling pile has gone way down. I've read 16 books so far and I'm in the middle of five right now. I convinced my aunt to get one and I'm in the process of selling plasticmom on it. I highly recommend it, I dare so it's maybe changed my life for the better. At the very least it's dramatically improved my reading habits and I really enjoy reading more now that I'm not lugging around books in my bag.

Kindle - 9 thumbs up

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Could not agree with you more! - mgdub