Friday, October 07, 2011

24. Adorably anthropomorphic desserts

I got these super adorable yummy dessert keychain/zipper pulls from kidrobot as a party favor for my girl birthday dinner guests last week. They come sealed in a "blindbox" so you don't know which dessert you'll get until you open it up. I got a chocolate bundt cake with frosting, plasticmom got the jello mold, Zristen got the chocolate dipped strawberry, Wheezy got the key lime pie and I totally can't remember what Corinna got, but it was cute too. I'm using my bundt cake as a zipper pull for my purse and I'm a little obsessed with how cute it is. It was super fun opening up our little blindbox surprises and checking out what everyone else got. No one traded with each other, I think everyone liked what they got or maybe they were just too mature for playground horsetrading.

Audience: kids and adults alike as long as they're fun loving and don't take themselves too seriously
Benefit: huge variety of blind box themes from Simpsons to South Park to Hello Kitty to Marvel to Unicorns to Yummy Desserts. No need to gift wrap since the surprise is inside the box, easy to purchase a bunch for friends without having to spend time picking and choosing.

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