Sunday, October 09, 2011

26. A dozen ice cream scoops

My whole thing about how you can never have too many trays sort of extends to my feeling about ice cream scoops. While giving someone a dozen ice cream scoops might be a little extreme, gifting an extra scoop will be a welcome and unexpected treat. My quality of life has vastly improved with the purchase of a second ice cream scoop at home. We've been having way more fun (and eating way more ice cream) ever since a group of us pooled a few bucks to buy an office ice cream scoop, a worthwhile capital expenditure we'll amortize for at least 24 months. I'm a big fan of these Zyliss ice cream scoops, they come in lots of fun colors and they scoop through hard ice cream like a breeze. Next time you're heading to a party, bring your hosts some ice cream and a great scoop they'll use for years to come. I know I could really use a third scoop myself.

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