Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Quiche Pot Pie

Craving more than a piece of toast for dinner, I baked up this tasty Quiche Pot Pie last night.

Heat up the oven to 400 degrees and pull out a nine inch square Pyrex dish. Fill the pan with around an inch of a tasty combo of ingredients such as:
Cubed Ham Steak
Frozen Corn Kernels
Frozen Peas

Whisk together the following and pour over ham/corn/peas:
4 Eggs
around 1/4 cup Whipping Cream
Salt & Pepper

Mix together this Bisquik topping and spoon over egg mixtures:
1 cup Bisquik
1 Egg
1/2 cup Milk

Bake at 400 degrees for around 30 minutes or until biscuit topping is golden brown and the egg is cooked through. I think the whipping cream definately makes a difference and the egg cooks up much flufflier than watery skim milk.

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