Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Coffeecake Incident

MGDub was kind enough to give me a ride home on Monday when she, unfortunately, got sucked into the coffeecake incident. I'd baked two delicious sour cream coffeecakes that very morning. I had used my new Baker's Joy baking spray with flour and I'd swirled a delicious coconut/pecan topping into the cake batter. The coffeecakes released from their bundt pans beautifully and I was feeling pretty darned good. I even stopped by Adam's work to drop off some warm coffeecake. When MGDub and I walked into the apartment Monday evening, we found a very perturbed Adam assessing the coffeecake situation. Simply, he was overwhelmed by the amount of coffeecake in our apartment [1.5 cakes]. The following is a reconstructed conversation where MGDub gets sucked into a battle of wills over the coffeecake.

Adam: We have too much coffeecake.
plasticann: I'm going to freeze it so we can have coffeecake anytime.
Adam: There's no room in the freezer and if we have coffeecake readily available, I'll eat it all.
plasticann: But, it' good.
Adam: It is really good, that's why we should give it away. MGDub, would you like to take a whole coffeecake to share with your neighbors?
plasticann: A whole coffeecake...there won't be any left to freeze.
Adam: Wouldn't you enjoy baking more coffeecake?
plasticann: Well, I like the idea of stockpiling coffeecake and other treats in the freezer, but our freezer is filled with frozen veggies so there's no room.
MGDub: I don't really want to be responsible for passing out coffeecake.
Adam: Is there anyone you'll see in the next day that would enjoy coffeecake?
MGDub: I'm just packing and I don't really want to be passing out coffeecake.
Adam: Would your landlord like coffeecake.
MGDub: I guess I could take a few slices for them.
plasticann: Would like like a slice for tomorrow?
MGDub: Alright, I guess I'll have a small slice for tomorrow.

We have one small sliver of coffeecake left in our house...we disposed the rest appropriately, namely not in our own tummies. The lesson here, I've got to stop baking for 20 because it's just the two of us and we should get a chest freezer to keep my baked goods.

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