Sunday, June 25, 2006


I've noticed that folks here in Seattle are "chattier," even the homeless are much more apt to strike up a random conversation. The following is a reconstructed conversation between plasticann and a random homeless person (HP) with a sign while plasticann was trying to cross the street after church.

HP: Hey, you're supposed to press the button to cross the street!
plasticann: [walks around the pole looking for the button]
HP: No, over there, that button.
plasticann: {gratefully presses button]
HP: ...are you from the Philippines?
plasticann: No!
HP: Japanese?
plasticann: No! [decides to avoid this conversation of pan-Asian country naming] My parents are from Taiwan!
HP: Oh, Taiwan! Welcome to America!
plasticann: Thanks???

Ironically, while I appreciated his help with the button, I didn't really feel particularly welcomed, but at least he tried. Since Adam is in CA visiting his family, he wasn't with me this morning. I wonder if HP would have "welcomed" me had I been with Adam or if he would have assumed that I'd already been properly welcomed to America.

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