Thursday, December 11, 2008

Office Clutter

Our home office is a perpetual work in progress and right now it's pretty cluttered. I guess most homes have some sort of junk room or table or area and our office serves that purpose. I'd created a pile of things for Adam to sort through on one of his days off a few weeks ago and the following reconstructed conversation is about that very pile:

plasticann: [pointing to the pile] Adam...what's this?
Adam: A pile of stuff.
plasticann: Isn't this the pile you said you'd go through two weeks ago?
Adam: No it's not the same pile...
plasticann: [confused]
Adam:'s a bigger pile now.
plasticann: [cracking up] Good one!
Adam: I thought you'd roll your eyes and be exasperated?
plasticann: I could have, but that's pretty funny.

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