Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Power & Negotiation - Creating Value

I was hanging out with my niece Zess the other day playing with her cash register math toy when her little bro Zames wandered in and started frenetically playing with the toy. The following is a reconstructed conversation:

Zess: ZAMES, you're not allowed in here, it's my room, stop playing with my toy.
Zames: [Ignores Zess]
Zess: You're going to break it, stop playing with it.
Zames: [Continues to ignore Zess]
Zess: [trying a new tactic] Zames, if you stop playing with my toy, I'll give you a chocolate coin or a big chocolate.
Zames: [no response]
Zess: How about I give you a big chocolate and you stop playing with my toy?
Zames: [relinquishes the toy, accepts the chocolate and leaves Zess' room]
Zess: [Sigh] Sometimes it's better to give him a chocolate than have a broken toy.

Wise words indeed...good job Zess for creating value through negotiation and finding an incentive that Zames wants more than the toy.

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