Thursday, November 11, 2004

Fake Trees and Box Wine

Artificial Christmas tree get about the same level of respect as boxed wine. However, I've always had a soft spot for artificial trees since I had one growing up. Laurel and I have had countless discussions about the virtues of real v. fake trees and I expect that Adam and I will also have similar discussions. However, I remain unmoved by pro-fresh tree arguments citing the fresh pine scent especially since you have to water a real tree to keep it from going up in flames. Don't even get me started on the needles and the clean up. I've always wanted an artificial tree and now that Martha Stewart sells tinsel trees, I'd like to think fake trees are no longer déclassé. Maybe it's just "ironic" or "retro" as long as the tree is obviously fake and a throwback to the atomic age. As for box wine, I say if it's the same high quality wine in a different package that keeps it fresh longer and is cheaper, what's the big to do? Just think, Martha could revolutionize the box wine industry if she would only feature box wines in Living or design a decorative box wine cover.

Note: I'm taking a straw poll. Pink or Green Tinsel Tree?

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