Thursday, November 04, 2004

Frozen Sandwiches Take 2

Adam was giving me a hard time about my frozen sandwiches the other day. My offer to make him frozen sandwiches as my contribution to our household was met with derision. However, a subsequent conversation with plasticmom revealed that my genius idea to freeze sandwiches is genetic. plasticmom freezes her Dr. Snyder (Seven Grain with Walnuts, Raisins & Honey) bread from Lovebird's in baggies of two slices. She then toasts the delicious bread in the morning for breakfast.

plasticann: I've been freezing sandwiches and eating them for lunch. I defrost one in the fridge at night and lightly toast it at lunch. Adam makes fun of me.
plasticmom: Ha ha ha...plasticaunt does the same thing.
plasticann: Really?
plasticmom: I went to Lovebird's with her one time. She bought 20 roast beef sandwiches and I wondered how she was going to eat them all. She keeps them in the freezer and takes one out in the morning and it's defrosted by lunchtime.
plasticann: Does she have vegetables in it or condiments?
plasticmom: No lettace or tomatoes, but she does get mustard and mayonnaise. I think french rolls work better than slices of bread, that's what she gets.
plasticann: No way. I haven't been using french rolls, but I use crusty bread.

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