Monday, November 14, 2005

The Zakuns Take Manhattan

Adam and I stayed with MGDub this weekend and we had a blast. I'm already missing MGDub, but it sounds like she's learning lots of cool stuff in film school. MGDub was a lovely host generously feeding us tea and english muffins, but Adam and I learned early on in our visit that some items were "off limits." These food items, mini cartons of orange juice, were "imported" from Allentown and supposed "unavailable" in NYC so they had to be "rationed." The following is a reconstructed conversation about MGDub's mini OJs.

Have you checked if D'agostino's has the mini OJs? We've walked by two of them in the last few minutes.
MGDub: No! The mini OJs are no where to be found. They don't even have the plastic jugs of OJ, they only have cartons.
plasticann: Well, you've only been to two stores in your neighborhood, surely somewhere someone has mini OJs and OJ jugs. Hey, there's a D'agostino's across the street.
MGDub: Should we go in and check?
Adam: Yeah! Let's do it.
...wandering around inside the stores...
MGDub: See, no OJ anywhere.
Adam: Maybe over here. Look, they have jugs of OJ and mini OJs.
MGDub: I can't believe it.
plasticann: [laughing]
Adam: Let's see what else they have here, maybe we can get MGDub those breakfast bars she claims don't exist in NYC. the breakfast bar aisle...
MGDub: See, they only have the Apple Cinnamon and I don't like those.
Adam: Well, this label says they carry strawberry, they just ran out so you should check back.
MGDub: It's too far from my apartment, it has to be 3 blocks away for me to check back.
...later in the evening...
MGDub: I still can't believe they actually sell mini OJs.

Note: Because I blogged about the mini OJs, I've been warned ahead of time that MGDub will be telling an embarrassing story about me.


Ann said...

Dear GJDubya,
Who says these comments don't work?

Anonymous said...

Who knew?? It's good to know the comments are working. Thanks for helping MGDub find the mini-OJs in the big city!