Friday, April 14, 2006


The following is a reconstructed conversation with Steve when he stopped by to study statistics last weekend. I insisted on giving him a tour of my organizized closets.

plasticann: Steve, you have to come see our closets, let me show you.
Steve: This is what you did over spring break?
plasticann: Yep...isn't it great? I even labeled Adam's drawers.
Steve: [Reading the drawers] "T-Shirts" "Socks"
plasticann: Yeah, Adam doesn't really like that I labeled his drawers. He says it makes him look retarded like he doesn't know where his socks are.
Steve: It's not like you wrote "L" and "R" on his hands.
plasticann: That's hilarious. Remember how Joey on Friends didn't know right from left?
Steve: It's sometimes confusing because you don't know which right someone's referring to. Their right or my right. Maybe I should label my hands one day as a joke.

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