Monday, April 23, 2007

All Things Japanese at Fanueil Hall

Zeff, Zatrick and I (our tech strategy team for school) decided impetuously to take our afternoon meeting on the road since we didn't have a whole lot to do and the weather was insanely nice out. Our original plan was to hit Beard Papa's for a cream puff snack, but we ended up making a detour to the brand spanking new Wagamamas that opened today. I remember years ago, plasticmom and I checked out Wagamamas in London because one of my friends was obsessed with it. I can't remember how the food was, but I did remember that the place was cool and hip so I was looking forward to trying out the new Boston branch. I had the fried chicken appetizer with a delicious orange/apple/passion fruit juice, Zeff enjoyed an iced tea and Zatrick with his superhuman metabolism went all out with a full entree of teppan yaki udon noodles as his afternoon snack. All in all, pretty darned tasty and I felt special eating there on the first day to boot. Ever so friendly, Zeff congratulated each Wagamama's employee we encountered on their big opening day. Since the restaurant was pretty empty at 4pm, we even broke out the laptop and got our work done. As a finale, we each had a cream puff at Beard Papa, Zeff enjoyed his first one so much he went back for a second. Definitely a most legend [wait for it] dary tech strategy meeting.

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