Monday, April 16, 2007

Cafe Polonia

Adam and I finally checked out Cafe Polonia on Saturday for lunch. We've always wanted to go, but we thought it was hard to get to without a car. Turns out, it's only about a block from the Andrews T stop on the red line. We started with a basket of bread and a spread:

Adam: This spread is good, what do you think is in it?
plasticann: I don't know...probably lard.
Adam: Really?...[asking the waitress] Excuse me, what's in this spread?
Waitress: It's for the bread and it's made with spices and blah blah blah and lard. You should try it, it's very good.
plasticann: [subtly trying to push lard away from Adam] We've already tried it, we were curious what it was.
plasticann: I don't think we should eat any more of this.

We only had a little taste of the lard, but we did think of MGDub and her Ukrainian heritage as we polished off our lunch of pierogies, potato pancakes, cabbage roll, kielbasa and sauerkraut. I would highly recommend the potato pancakes...they were awesome.


Unknown said...

They have Uke food and coconut shrimp! It's like my ideal restaurant.

Ann said...

I wonder if the coconut shrimp is fried in lard.